Navigating the IT landscape: is it better to use managed security services or an in-house team?


As technology drives operations in virtually every industry, there is an increased focus on the best way to manage IT: Do you build and maintain internal IT staff, outsource to a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP), or employ a hybrid approach using both?

Here are some factors to consider when deciding how best to increase the reliability and security of your organization’s IT networks while maintaining business productivity.

Using this chart, we explore these factors and compare these options.

Hybrid IT Solutions

Selecting a method depends upon the size and complexity of an organization, but regardless there are many advantages to the hybrid approach. Factors like budget, availability of experienced IT professionals, evolving technology requirements, and intricacies of IT environments are often solved with a combination of in-house and outsourced support.

It is important for an organization to weigh the pros and cons when considering the best approach to managing their IT. Each solution has its own merits and drawbacks, and organizations must carefully consider their unique needs, budgetary constraints, long-term goals, and risk tolerance to determine the most effective and efficient IT management strategy. 

MGT Technology has successfully partnered with thousands of clients in the public and private sectors to protect and defend their IT environments, offering managed security service solutions as well as supporting hybrid options. We can help you. For more information, visit us at or give us a call at 1.888.302.0899.

Publish Date

Posted on July 26, 2023

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July 26, 2024
Discover how critical incident mapping can revolutionize school safety, ensure legal compliance, and optimize resource allocation for a secure learning environment.