Education clients speak: contingency plans help to forge ahead

In many states, the coronavirus pandemic necessitated contingency plans allowing for a shift from in-person to remote activities. For some purposes, like most office jobs, the transition has been an adjustment, but doable and in some cases even preferable to commuting to a workplace. For example, at Microsoft, among other companies, productivity is up.

MGT secure Anywhere Telework Solutions

MGT Secure Anywhere is a tailored secure remote access solution enabling organizations to provide a fully functional, secure, and compliant environment for teleworking. Backed by our 24/7 NOC/SOC, our team of over 100 network and cyber security engineers, and leveraging a proprietary solution in the market, MGT Secure Anywhere provides a comprehensive security wrapper for your remote workforce in a flexible, per user, model.

Short-term rentals: Three questions a city/county should answer to benefit from this market

Short-term rentals (STRs) are a phenomenon of today's "shared economy" - a world in which technology advancements have upended traditional business models. Since 2011, the number of STR properties listed on the top four websites (e.g., Airbnb, VRBO) has exploded from about 900,000 to 8 million, an increase of almost 800%. With dramatic increase in properties participating in short-term rentals, why aren't governments seeing an increase in revenue?

How to weather fluctuations in building permit revenue

Economic fluctuations make it difficult for governments to break even on the cost of providing building permits, which is required in most states. Rates are based on anticipated demand, which is difficult to predict. Boom-and-bust cycles often result in either too much or too little revenue. A surplus may lead to legal trouble, while a revenue shortfall may result in budget and service cuts.

Five questions to ask before your class & comp study

One of the most important projects an organization can undertake is a classification and compensation (class and comp) study. Not only will it benefit the employees to ensure they are paid fairly and equitably, but it also benefits employers because they can recruit and retain the best talent and maintain high morale, especially in a job market that is as hot as ever.

Marketing technology – Five ways to get started

In an overwhelming sea of marketing platforms, one must choose new marketing technology (MarTech) wisely according to organization size, marketing goals, and leadership expectations. Two decades ago, MarTech was as simple as published media contact lists or basic database systems that captured client and project information, but little else. In recent years, things have changed, and rapidly.

How to prevent cyber threats from crippling your city

For any organization, public or private, security risk assessments and penetration testing are necessary. Compliance and an ever-changing cyber threat landscape require constant threat management. However, for an agency to create a true culture of cyber security, success depends on tactics as part of a cohesive, long-term security and risk management program.

Martine Schmitt’s #MyMGTJourney is about finding, and hiring, the “best of the best”

Throughout my professional experience in human resources and recruiting, I have valued the 'human' side of the work. This likely originated during my undergraduate work in International Relations at the University of Mississippi. Here I was afforded the chance to study abroad in Costa Rica, Mexico, and Taiwan. Learning about the diversity of cultures and governments energized me!